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For many reasons members of the University community will need to secure their access to sensitive systems as well and protect themselves when connecting from remote locations while traveling. Virtual Private Networks (VPN) allow a user to route their computer’s internet traffic through a specific network when not immediately connected to it. U of T offers multiples VPN services for different purposes:

  • UTORvpn: a general remote access VPN that protects connections from suspect networks when traveling and allow users to appear as connected to the campus wireless network. UTORvpn is available to Staff, Faculty and select groups of students.
  • AdminVPN: Allows the owners of administrative & academic systems, and department administrators, to enforce strong authentication and secure connections. Access to AdminVPN is limited to those authorized to access systems it protects.
  • Remote Desktop Gateway: Protects Remote Desktop connections between Windows systems. It replaces some of the historical uses of VPN services.

Migration Notice: UTORvpn is undergoing a migration from OpenVPN to Cisco’s ASA VPN. For documentation on the legacy OpenVPN see All users will need to migrate by the end of summer 2019.

Software downloads

To download the Cisco AnyConnect or Safenet Authentication client, visit the download page (weblogin required).