Service overview

Service for:
  • Faculty
  • Staff

Only IT administrators or divisional leads may request this service on behalf of their units. Individual users should contact their local IT administrator for help with service requests.

Advanced endpoint protection provides next-generation anti-virus protection for University-owned user devices and servers. It gives units delegated access to manage their endpoints, including visibility on security alerts generated by the endpoint solution. This service enables quick detection of and response to attacks and device compromises.

This service is institutionally funded and comes at no cost to units for level 1 support.

The advanced endpoint protection service includes:

Service Level 1 Level 2
Advanced endpoint protection licenses service available for level 1 service available for level 2
Support to unit administrators service available for level 1 service available for level 2
24/7 monitoring of security incidents and threat remediation (when possible) by our Incident Response team and an external third party called Vigilance service available for level 1 service available for level 2
Threat hunting by our Incident Response team and Vigilance service available for level 1 service available for level 2
Escalation of critical severity security incidents to unit administrators service available for level 1 service available for level 2
Management of all configurations (e.g., policies, groups, exclusions, etc.) service available for level 2
Response to all security incidents generated by the agents or Vigilance service available for level 2

Read the privacy notice on the Knowledge Base.

Last modified: February 21, 2025